
List of Listed Synagogues & other Jewish Sites

The List of Listed Synagogues compiled by Jewish Heritage UK given here covers England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. In Scotland an alphabetic designation system is in force (A,B,C). In the rest of the UK buildings are Listed according to three levels, from the highest to the lowest: Grade I, Grade II* and Grade II. The majority of Listed Buildings are Listed at Grade II. The exact level of Listing reflects the Architectural and Historical Significance of a given building and governs the extent to which alterations may be made and the potential level of public funding to which a building may be entitled. All alterations require Listed Building Consent as well as normal Planning Consent. Any member of the public may apply to the relevant Government advisory agency to have a building Listed. In England, the final decision is taken by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). 

Other types of Statutory Designation besides Listing include:

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

This is protection for archaeological sites, usually Medieval or older but may apply, for example, to burial grounds.

Parks & Gardens Register

This applies to historic landscapes, often designed by prominent landscape architects and designers. It may also include burial grounds, usually those established by municipal authorities.

For more on the legal aspects of Listing, its privileges and responsibilities, visit the relevant country website given above.

Many Listed Buildings and some that are unlisted may be located within a designated Conservation Area of a town or city in which certain restrictions on alterations and development apply. Buildings not Listed at the national level may still enjoy a measure of protection by inclusion on a Local List that is maintained by the Local Authority. In order to find out whether or not a building is included on a Local List or situated within a Conservation Area you will need to visit the website of the relevant city, county or borough council.

All buildings included on Jewish Heritage’s List of Listed Synagogues & other Jewish Sites are purpose-built and in use as a synagogue/Jewish communal facility unless otherwise indicated. Converted churches, chapels or industrial schools used as synagogues are excluded from this list, with several exceptions including two 18th-century chapels in London. Private residences built or occupied by Jews are omitted, except in the case of Mediaeval structures, which are listed separately.